The name craftybird has been bubbling away in my subconsciousness for a number of years. It started with my first business, craftycreative com which I started in the early 1990s. The logo for this business was a little bird – which I called craftybird…
The logo was developed for me by graphic designer, Paul Taylor, who developed it into this logo from an original drawing which had been made by an artist contact of his. The bird was originally drawn as a small detail of a larger drawing and sat on top of an alligator’s nose!
craftybird the image has been travelling around with me for over 25 years now – it (is gender neutral) is often my Avatar when it comes to things online … in the worldwide web and internet I find the idea of putting my own face ‘out there’ makes me feel very uncomfortable.

When it came to renaming the boat, which I have purchased solely because of the opportunity to have a public workshop, shop and play space on board (in what is currently the area under the green tarpaulins at the front); it made total sense – in so many ways – to call her craftybird!
‘Crafty’ because she’s a craft – right?! And ‘bird’ – because boats are traditionally referred to in the feminine although this practice is dying out because some choose to interpret derogatory inferences rather than the symbolism of the strength and protectiveness of a female.
craftybird the boat (I choose feminine power!!) will host craftybird the image and craftybird the trading name of this new floating creative workshop, shop and play space.
And of course craftybird will have an all female crew too (a lot of the time anyway!).

To find craftybird and her crew please do follow us @4craftybird on Instagram, or check in at
In the meantime we have a lot of work to do to get the space ready for you – a workshop to create with windows and work benches and lights. A shop to stock and pop up workshops to plan…
We hope to welcome you onboard craftybird soon!
How crafty is that?!