Finally, after many weeks of business planning, form filling, training, researching, risk assessments and more planning the appropriate approvals and certification were received and the diesel tank was finally ordered. It landed on the Wharf on Wednesday.
The next task was to simply move the empty 220 KG lump of green plastic from the Wharf into the hold on Roach..

Friends were drafted in; and a detailed plan of action developed, which in theory would get the tank into the right position in the hold on Roach – and off the Wharf side.
… and the plan worked… Amazingly!
The tank was pushed and pulled into position at wharf side and then levered up on planks to another plank platform on Roach.

A 180 degree turn needed here to put the tank into the right position…

Then a slide back away from the platform to enable the planks to be dropped down to the floor inside the hold.
The tank then moved slowly, restrained by ropes to stop it from dropping suddenly, and slid perfectly down the prepared plank slide and landing on the hold floor almost perfectly in position.

A tank full of diesel has been ordered for Monday morning which leaves the rest of Saturday and Sunday to connect the pump and dispenser to power and ready the tank for making diesel deliveries!
All things being equal – Roach will be ready to serve diesel from Monday 28th June 2021.
To find out where Roach will be and to order a diesel delivery (as well as coal, logs, kindling, Elsan blue, pink, green, mooring pins, chains, stern grease and more) you can call Rich on Roach on 07778 403657
Or find RoachCoalboat on Facebook for a schedule of movements.
Thank you to the whole team on the day for all the grunt work and enthusiasm, to David for making the space available, and a huge thank you to Fay at Turners Green Wharf for being a big part of helping to make this diesel dream a reality!